Dear Motherless Mother

Dear Motherless Mothers,

You are not alone; I intimately understand the depths of your journey. Your struggles, your triumphs, your heartaches-I’ve felt them too. My journey was far from easy. Growing up without my mother, who passed away when I was just six months old, shaped the very fabric of my being. Becoming a mother myself reignited those dormant emotions, leading me down a path of self-discovery and healing that I can’t wait to share with you through this platform and community.

To all the Motherless Mothers out there,

May you feel the embrace of our silent sisterhood.

May you find solace in the whispers of our shared stories.

May you find strength in the resilience of your love.

And may the legacy of your own motherhood become a beacon of hope for generations to come.

With love,



The Newborn Motherless Era


Things We Wish You Knew About Being a Motherless Mother