Meeting Kevin Hollinrake MP

Pictured above: Kevin Hollinrake MP, Louise, and her infant son Jude.

Last week, Lou met with Kevin Hollinrake MP to advocate on behalf of motherless mothers. Here’s a recap of what was discussed:

  • Dedicated mental health services specifically designed to help motherless mothers cope with the emotional pain of parenting without their mothers.

  • Peer support networks that allow women to foster connections and community.

  • We want the government's help to discuss this with charities and councils so we can provide the best support to the right women.

  • Recognition of motherless mothers in maternal health services both prenatally and postnatally.

  • Parliamentary representation in the House of Commons for all things relating to and affecting motherless mothers.

  • Research and data collection. We need NUMBERS! We know there are so many of us out there. We now need to calculate the number of women in the UK who are living without their mother, whether due to circumstance or choice. This will help to inform future policies and programs. Charity and organisational support on this are key.

This was the first meeting of many more MP meetings to come.

Do you have a question you'd like us to put to MPs during our next meeting? Let us know.


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