When I lost my mother at the age of 24 I felt as though the rug had suddenly been pulled from under my feet. Left groundless, I lost connection to myself and felt the need to ‘get on’ with life rather than address my feelings of intense loss.

I am delighted to be a part of The Motherless Mothers, an invaluable resource for any woman experiencing motherhood without their mother, and we are committed to providing for each of our members the essential help and support that is so deeply needed.
— Emma

It was only when I had my own children that I was finally forced to connect with powerful feelings that had remained buried, and through my deep love and devotion for my daughters, I found the strength to reach out for the support I needed.

Traversing the landscape of motherhood alone led me to the transformative power of coaching and its ability to cause a shift so that I could find joy, vitality, and connection in every part of my life and be the mother I wanted to be.

This positive life-changing transition became the catalyst in my mission to help others validate and process these complex emotions, and I am passionate about my role in providing specialist coaching to mothers who have lost their mothers so that they can connect, find strength, and powerfully move forward with the life they deserve.

Emma Elia-Shaul is a Professional Certified Coach (CPCC) and is accredited as an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Emma also provides health and wellness coaching and has a qualified background in naturopathic nutrition and holistic health.